STEVE AIELLO December 14, 1961 – October 11, 2006

Has it really been 13 years, already? Unbelievable! I wish I had a few more pictures to use, but Steve, very much like myself, hated having his picture taken. Steve Aiello was one of my best friends, in life. I met him when I was 12 years old, as a member of The Cavalier Cadets drum corps, and we remained friends long after our drum corps days were behind us. I’ve had some of the best times, and the heartiest laughs that I’ve ever had, whenever we hung out together. And truly, Steve is very much missed, to this day. Not only by me, but by his family and other friends that we hung out with, together. To be honest, I’m not sure what I believe about the afterlife, but I sincerely hope that at some point, on some plane of existence, that we’ll get to hang out and laugh together, again. Rest In Peace, my friend. #CANCERSUCKS  – Kevin Smith | 10/11/2019

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