2024 Cavalier Alumni Association Board of Directors Election
Thank you for placing your vote for the six (6) open positions on the Cavalier Alumni Association (CAA) Board of Directors. For those of you that nominated your fellow Cavalier brothers, thank you. Now the time has come for all of us alumni to participate – BY VOTING! Please read through all of the bios carefully and follow the instructions on voting.
The Board of Directors (BOD) is the governing body of the Alumni Association.
The BOD consists of 11 alumni, including a President (voting member of The Cavaliers Arts, Performance & Education (CAPE) Board of Directors), Vice President, Secretary, and Historian.
Being a member of the Board is a responsibility that demands:
- Flexibility to attend monthly conference calls
- Decisiveness to vote on important alumni matters
- Initiative on project management and task forces
- Vision for the future of our beloved organizations
Elections will close on Friday, December 08, 2023 at 6 PM EST.
Dan Brunk – President of the Cavalier Alumni Association (CAA).
Dan Brunk - Click to read more

Name: Dan Brunk
Email: dan.brunk@cavaliers.org
year/s marched: 1991-1992
Sections participated in: Euphonium
Current Job (Company and Role): Attorney
What are your top 5 unique skills that contribute value to the Cavalier Alumni Association Board?
1. Organization
2. Persistence – to keep at it until it is done
3. Focus – ability to keep on task
4. Perspective – to know what is important and what is not
5. Calmness – staying calm when the pressure is on
Please give a brief 1-3 sentence description of your “platform” for candidacy for the 2024 CAA Board of Directors. Why should Alumni vote for you? *
Alumni Engagement – since joining the CAA Board I helped with organizing MG22 and am leading MG24. This past year I organized the CAPE Alumni Corps celebrating our 75th anniversary. I want to continue working on getting the membership to better understand, appreciate, and respect the work of each generation of brothers and how that contributes to the success of our organization, and for us to use the combined talents, skills, and connections to help each other throughout the stages of our lives – personally and professionally – to bring better value of our time as alumni.
What are 3 actionable projects relevant to the Cavalier Alumni Association that you plan to take initiative on during the 2024 term?
1. Mentorship – a plan was started last year but lost traction to other events. I want to continue developing the mentorship of younger alumni in their professional fields and endeavors.
2. Continue to promote and develop more alumni hangs and social events across the country, both during DCI season and off-season.
3. Continue working on bridging the gap in the generational divide among alumni to bring the group closer together.
What is your vision for the Cavalier Alumni Association? (3 sentence max)
My vision for the CAA is to increase our profile with all alumni in support of the corps and each other in both personal and professional pursuits throughout each member’s life. We all have different skills and talents that we can share with the current Corps members and each other that the CAA can be the central hub to coordinate this information.
Kevin Sender - Click to read more

Name: Kevin Sender
Name: kevin.sender@cavaliers.org
year/s marched: 1997
Sections participated in: Color Guard
Current Job: Company and Role
Kake Multimedia, LLC – Owner
Top Shelf Law – Owner
Kake Gallery – Owner
ShotsBlog – Owner / Developer
Hispanic Lawyers Association of Illinois – Retained Consultant
Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago – Retained Consultant
CITI Ministries – Retained Consultant
Illinois Latino Judges Association – Retained Consultant
Diversity Scholarship Foundation – Retained Consultant
What are your top 5 unique skills that contribute value to the Cavalier Alumni Association Board?
Executive Strategy Development
Organizational Consulting
Business Management
Growth Consulting
Please give a brief 1-3 sentence description of your “platform” for candidacy for the 2024 CAA Board of Directors. Why should Alumni vote for you? *
My prior board work for the CAA, includes serving as 2023 Vice President of the Board, serving on the Strategic Planning Committee for alumni engagement, serving on the historian committee and creating all of the current existing history pages available on SPLOOIE.INFO, creating and managing the system of Digital Archival currently used by the CAA, creating the AGE OUT ENGAGEMENT committee along with the process and first year of execution, organizing the 2022 Wolves Hockey Game hang, the conceptualization and launch of the Cavalier Professional Mentorship Program, participation in the 75th Anniversary planning committee, participation in the 2022 and 2023 Finals Pre-Party committee, participation in the MG2024 event committee and design of the MG2024 Uniform assets. I’m also the developer and webmaster for splooie.info. I’ve invested a good deal of time working directly with the existing Board of Directors on projects including Database/Salesforce adoption and other Technology consulting for the purpose of better alumni communications and engagement. Through my participation in the alumni association board, project committees affiliated with the Corps Board of Directors, and as a previous co-director of the King Cobras, I have a unique perspective regarding where and how alumni can participate and be involved with CAPE objectives in a meaningful way.
What are 3 actionable projects relevant to the Cavalier Alumni Association that you plan to take initiative on during the 2023 term?
– The success of the MG2024 event.
– The further completion and integration of the SPLOOIE.INFO alumni engagement system.
– The creation of better alumni focused exclusive merch including Vinyl Records, Clothing Items worth spending money on, and other top quality items.
What is your vision for the Cavalier Alumni Association? (3 sentence max)
My vision is for the CAA to take a larger role in the further development and growth of CAPE as a complete organization by providing better fundraising opportunities, supporting better participation in not only the Cavaliers but all sub organizations, and engaging in high value efforts like member recruiting, reliable volunteer participation, and program logistical support.
Ed Ribar - Click to read more

Name: Ed Ribar
Email: ed.ribar@cavaliers.org
year/s marched: 1989 & 1991
Sections participated in: Colorguard
Current Job (Company and Role): SAE International, Growth Marketing Manager
What are your top 5 unique skills that contribute value to the Cavalier Alumni Association Board?
– Marketing skills
– Ability to bring together different points of view
– Action orientation
– Leadership experience
– 2-yr. member of the Cavalier Alumni Association Board
Please give a brief 1-3 sentence description of your “platform” for candidacy for the 2024 CAA Board of Directors. Why should Alumni vote for you? *
I would like to continue my position on the CAA board. I feel in my last two years on the board that I have gained valuable experience, especially through participating in the organizing committees for the 75th Gala and the 2022 and 2023 Pre-finals parties. I hope to continue to serve the CMMs and alumni through fund raising and engagement projects on the CAA board.
What are 3 actionable projects relevant to the Cavalier Alumni Association that you plan to take initiative on during the 2024 term?
– Pre-finals party donation gathering
– Pre-finals party planning
– Alumni hangs
What is your vision for the Cavalier Alumni Association? (3 sentence max)
I believe the CAA should serve the alumni and CMMs through organizing and participating in programs that drive engagement and raise funds for the organization.
Scott Maack - click to read more

Name: Scott Maack
Email: scott.maack@cavaliers.org
year/s marched: 1995
Sections participated in: Soprano
Current Job (Company and Role): Fort Wayne Community Schools, Assistant Principal
What are your top 5 unique skills that contribute value to the Cavalier Alumni Association Board?
Organizational Skills
Please give a brief 1-3 sentence description of your “platform” for candidacy for the 2024 CAA Board of Directors. Why should Alumni vote for you? *
If you’re like me, few things are more important in this life than The Cavaliers. We never stop being Cavaliers, but our role changes after we march off the field for the last time. We all want our beloved corps to succeed for years to come, and we should be asking ourselves how we can best fulfill our role of support for the corps after our marching years are finished.
What are 3 actionable projects relevant to the Cavalier Alumni Association that you plan to take initiative on during the 2024 term?
Adopt A Cavalier – Without a doubt, the most memorable part of participating in the White Gear Project this past summer was being able to connect with my White Gear CMM, Pierz Wingate. It was a joy to be able to keep in touch with him throughout the summer, encourage him, cheer for him, and support him any way I could. I would love to see this aspect of the White Gear Process continue as a yearly tradition where alumni are given the chance to connect with all current corps members (not just the initiates) in hopes to build stronger bonds between CMM’s and alumni that will spill over into the alumni association for years to come.
Fund Raising Efforts – We have an amazingly diverse group of alumni throughout the world. How can we harness the individual gifts and talents to bolster the corps’ fundraising mechanism?
Mardi Gras ’24 and Beyond – Being a part of the Mardi Gras ’22, 75th Anniversary Corps, and Mardi Gras ’24 planning committees has helped me see the power of alumni gathering together around the activity we love. Creating more alumni performance opportunities gives us the opportunity to strengthen our Cavalier brotherhood while continuing to represent the corps we love.
What is your vision for the Cavalier Alumni Association? (3 sentence max)
I am a passionate, driven professional who would work tirelessly to foster connections, improve networking, and promote continued growth for the CAA, the corps, and our members.
Ken Tucker - click to read more

Name: Ken Tucker
Email: kentucker@att.net
year/s marched: 90, 91, 92
Sections participated in: Soprano
Current Job (Company and Role):
Vocal Music Director, Gasconade Co. R-2 Schools, Owensville, Missouri
What are your top 5 unique skills that contribute value to the Cavalier Alumni Association Board?
1. Strong leader
2. Good communicator
3. Idea driven
4. Sense of humor
5. Good work ethic
Please give a brief 1-3 sentence description of your “platform” for candidacy for the 2024 CAA Board of Directors. Why should Alumni vote for you? *
We are all grateful to be Cavaliers. It is my wish for us to unite, despite our differences, for the common good so that we may actively better support the corps we all love so dearly.
What are 3 actionable projects relevant to the Cavalier Alumni Association that you plan to take initiative on during the 2024 term?
1. Strengthen the alumni presence at current alumni events; home show, parades, etc.
2. Create more opportunities for alumni to gather; area meet-ups
3. Explore avenues to actively support the corps financially.
What is your vision for the Cavalier Alumni Association? (3 sentence max)
I am grateful everyday to be a Cavalier and for the opportunities and experiences being a member of the corps has given me. It is my wish for all alum to put aside our differences and unite for the purpose of aiding the corps in whatever ways possible and necessary. I aim to be a voice that unites us in that endeavor.
Joe Wesche - click to read more

Name: Joe Wesche
Email: joewesche@gmail.com
year/s marched: I marched in 2000 and have taught the corps. from 2019 through the upcoming season.
Sections participated in: Soprano
Current Job (Company and Role):
I am the lead band director & school district music department chair of the 9 building Forest Hills school district in Cincinnati, Ohio. I am currently in my 20th year of full time employment in public school education.
What are your top 5 unique skills that contribute value to the Cavalier Alumni Association Board?
My day job has included coordinating many large events, projects and groups of people. I believe these experiences and skills would contribute to the goals of the CAA board.
As a school district department chair, I have strengths in organization, document creation and communication with small and large teams of people. I can utilize these skills to assist the CAA board with future planning.
I am very goal driven and am always looking for new ideas & methods to enhance the goals & engagement of an organization and its people.
I have overseen many fundraising & sponsorship efforts for programs. The current music programs that I oversee have achieved financial fundraising campaigns that have exceeded goals.
I have been a staff member of the Cavaliers drum corps since 2019, which has allowed me to be involved with the organization’s administrative and teaching staff. I believe this gives me a unique perspective of the current organization to provide insight for the CAA board if it is ever needed to assist with collaboration.
Please give a brief 1-3 sentence description of your “platform” for candidacy for the 2024 CAA Board of Directors. Why should Alumni vote for you? *
I have a passion and high level of motivation for helping educational programs, students and alumni improve to be better than they were in the past. The challenge of finding new ways to support those possible growths is exciting to me. As an alum of the corps and staff member from 2019 to the present, I would look forward to working with a team of other passionate alumni to further enhance our incredible association.
What are 3 actionable projects relevant to the Cavalier Alumni Association that you plan to take initiative on during the 2024 term?
Explore methods for better and easier communication with alumni. I feel that we can engage with many more alumni than we currently are with additional methods that lead to a higher rate of involvement.
Coordinate alumni events throughout the full summer tour to promote engagement closer to all of our alumni home locations.
Create new resources and help to coordinate organization documents, forms and online resources that will help the administrative side of the CAA function best, as well as reach the alumni with information.
What is your vision for the Cavalier Alumni Association? (3 sentence max)
I feel that the 2 main goals for the CAA have been and continue to be to support the Cavalier organization and to support each other, as alumni. The association has accomplished great things over the years and has shown continuous growth. My vision for the future would be to continue that growth with a higher rate of alumni engagements through new methods of communication, additional activities and improved resources. I would also like to see a higher rate of communication engagement through new methods of reaching those who may not use the current methods.
Alex Micco - click to read more

Name: Alex Micco
Email: alexlm714@yahoo.com
year/s marched: 2015 – 2018
Sections participated in: Baritone
Current Job (Company and Role): Northrop Grumman: Aerospace Engineer
What are your top 5 unique skills that contribute value to the Cavalier Alumni Association Board?
-An analytical approach to finding pragmatic solutions
-Rationality and levelheadedness amidst challenging situations
-Project organization and management
-Creativity in problem solving
-Adaptability to new, changing, and unpredictable circumstances
Please give a brief 1-3 sentence description of your “platform” for candidacy for the 2024 CAA Board of Directors. Why should Alumni vote for you? *
From my career as an aerospace engineer and my continuous involvement with the corps and alumni, I believe I have developed a unique set of skills and experiences. For my work, I am tasked with collecting data and finding innovative solutions to meet mission critical requirements for NASA, commercial, and government rockets as well as maintaining ongoing business relationships with customers and vendors. As a member of the Cavalier Alumni Association Board, I would apply this experience and my passion for the corps to best represent our brotherhood and serve the corps.
What are 3 actionable projects relevant to the Cavalier Alumni Association that you plan to take initiative on during the 2024 term?
-Now more than ever, tuition can be a struggle for current marching members. However, there are opportunities available to the current marching members to receive assistance, many of which they might not know about. These range from DCI scholarships to alumni who are looking to help out. I would like to lead an effort that aims to connect the current members with the various forms of tuition assistance that are available.
-The day-to-day needs of the corps while on tour can often throw curveballs. This can manifest itself in the form of simple needs like a gallon of milk, a stepladder, a baking pan, or one more volunteer on the cook truck. Many of these needs can be met with the help of our vast network of alumni across the country. A project I would like to undertake is to create a simple corps “need list” resembling a gift registry and regional/ statewide email list servers of alumni who are willing to give a helping hand when the corps rolls through town.
-Communication is invaluable for keeping ourselves connected and up to date on current corps affairs. At times, it can feel that we as alumni are not always informed on what the corps, Alumni Association, and board are up to and how we can be involved. I would like to help keep everyone informed and have open avenues for communication, feedback, suggestions, etc. either through expanded Splooiemail updates or other new methods.
What is your vision for the Cavalier Alumni Association? (3 sentence max)
From my education and career, I believe I offer a unique set of skills that I am eager to have the opportunity to apply to serve the corps and Cavalier Alumni Association. The CAA board serves the vital purpose of helping keep our brotherhood connected and involved. As a member of the CAA Board, I would use the position to lead projects to benefit and represent both the alumni and current corps while upholding what it means to be a Cavalier and maintaining transparency and communication.
Bill Mugnai - click to read more

Name: Bill Mugnai
Email: bmugnai@att.net
year/s marched: 1982 to 1984
Sections participated in: Percussion (Cymbals)
Current Job (Company and Role):
Sales Executive with a Cargo Airline. Volunteer Coordinator for the Cavaliers
What are your top 5 unique skills that contribute value to the Cavalier Alumni Association Board?
Problem Solving: Working in an Aviation industry and with the Cavaliers. I have learned how to use my experiences with problem solve for many different situations. Whether it is cooking, coordinating volunteers and ensuing any issue is addressed.
Communication: Effective communication with the alumni and current Cavaliers is essential, in keeping all parties advised of any topics.
Working close with the Corps: Working as a Volunteer Coordinator helps get the FMM/Alumni to help with the corps and interact with current members.
Marketing the Alumni and Cavaliers: Marketing is effective to help the CAA advance their agenda.
Alumni engagements: When ever in a different city, I try to get a local hang and will continue to meet anywhere where the Cavaliers or Alumni are at.
Please give a brief 1-3 sentence description of your “platform” for candidacy for the 2024 CAA Board of Directors. Why should Alumni vote for you? *
I have been a volunteer for the Cavaliers since 2015. I believe I am best suited to help the CAA bridge the gaps between the CAA/FMM/CMM to help with any Situation.
What are 3 actionable projects relevant to the Cavalier Alumni Association that you plan to take initiative on during the 2024 term?
Communication, Marketing and Sponsoring potential members.
Communication: We need to have an action plan for reengagement with the “Old Guys” to get them to help with the can.
Marketing: Marketing any meetings to have an open forum discussion with alumni to get more of a feedback. Positive feedback from FMM/Alumni on what they think .
Sponsoring: Trying to give more details to the potential Cavaliers about free or potential scholarship for the students to apply to for any sponsorships or scholarships.
What is your vision for the Cavalier Alumni Association? (3 sentence max)
I am a Cavalier, will always be a Cavalier.
Helping my brotherhood to advance the leaders of tomorrow.
I’m here to help anyone that needs my help, Vote for me!!
James Millis - click to read more

Name: James Millis
Email: jamesmillis@gmail.com
year/s marched: 2000-2004
Sections participated in: Contra Section
Current Job (Company and Role):
Silicon Ranch Corporation – Director, Power Plant Maintenance
What are your top 5 unique skills that contribute value to the Cavalier Alumni Association Board?
1. Management and Leadership – I hold a master’s degree in management and leadership and specialize in teaching transformational leadership within my business unit.
2. Strategy and Vision – I am currently responsible for creating maintenance strategies for a multi billion dollar company in critical energy infrastructure.
3. Financial Management – I hold responsibility for creating maintenance P&L’s and a creation and tracking of a $10mil+ dollar maintenance budget.
4. Music Education – While I work in business, I have maintained my involvement in the marching arts for 25 years while driving multiple students to Rosemont over the past 10 years.
5. Conflict and Risk Management – I have years of experience in change and risk management in highly functioning teams and groups.
Please give a brief 1-3 sentence description of your “platform” for candidacy for the 2024 CAA Board of Directors. Why should Alumni vote for you? *
I seek to bridge the information and communication gap between the CAA leadership and the CAA membership, particularly in times of unrest and and/or controversy. At times there is an unhealthy lack of transparency, sometimes perceived and sometimes real, that breeds division and drives alumni away from the CAA and in turn The Cavaliers. I am following the recommendations of many in the CAA and rather just voicing my opinion on a message board from time to time, I am choosing to do something about it.
What are 3 actionable projects relevant to the Cavalier Alumni Association that you plan to take initiative on during the 2024 term?
1. Growing the alumni base with a focus on those alumni that have become inactive due to past issues with transparency in communication and information sharing.
2. Integration of data analysis and data driven decision making principles in driving alumni engagement.
3. Creating better tools for alumni concerns to heard and organized so the CAA and others can effectively respond to those concerns.
What is your vision for the Cavalier Alumni Association? (3 sentence max)
My vision for the CAA is one where all generations of Cavaliers, regardless of background or lifestyle, can be informed and have their voices heard through healthy engagement and meaningful exchanges with other alumni and CAA leadership.